Please see the banner for important 2023-2024 HS and MS registration information.
Online Registration will begin on August 1st using the Parent Portal.
New and Returning Student Enrollment information can be found: Here
Scroll down and click Stamford ISD Enrollment for Returning Students (PreK - 12th Grade)
Stamford ISD Enrollment for All New Students (PreK - 12th Grade)
Staff will be available on the above dates and times if you have any questions. If you do not have access to the internet, devices will be accessible for you on campus to complete registration.
HS students may also sign up for a parking permit, only if they have completed the online drug consent form. Please bring proof of insurance, legal DL, and a payment of $10.
If you need further assistance or information, you can contact the campus:
HS - 325-773-2701
MS - 325-773-2651